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Zkano sells Made in the USA Products in the American Apparel & Clothing Category
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One of the products Zkano sells is Made in the USA Socks. A more complete list of their products is provided by Made in America Secrets, to review their list click here.

For more information about Zkano and its American Made products see the following:

I'm originally from the small town of Fort Payne, AL, which is formerly known as The Sock Capital of the World. Funny but true. Until the late 90s, a very large percentage of socks were manufactured in our quaint little town. Unfortunately, outsourcing has greatly taken away from Fort Payne's textile tradition.

Twenty two years ago my dad Terry had a dream to start his own sock manufacturing company, and Emi-G Knitting (named after my sister and me) was born. As a child, I watched my parents work to create a successful business that started from nothing. In short, after years of a lot of hard work and dedication, this tiny company became a success. In the meantime, I discovered my own passions for organic and green living and wanted to incorporate this into the family business. I just hadn't discovered the how. About 3 years ago, I had an epiphany. I realized that I could combine my desires of continuing my family's sock making tradition, while supporting a sustainable lifestyle, and this could be done by creating an organic cotton sock.

My wheels began turning, and after extensive research and product development, my little sock company, zkano, became a reality. I'd finally found a way to be a part of the family trade that is incredibly near to my heart and doing so by taking it in a new direction that reflects my passions of organic living and sustainability.

I couldn't be more proud of what zkano has become. Each of our socks are proudly made from start to finish in Fort Payne, Alabama. I believe our socks are perfect for performance, everyday wear, or just for fun. Our socks are simple, but they are good. I'm deeply passionate about supporting USA manufacturing, delivering a product that's both high quality and comfortable and educating as many people as possible about the benefits of using organic cotton as opposed to conventional. I hope you love our socks as much as I do!
